Has 2020 left you feeling like the fabled Sisyphus, forever pushing a boulder up a steep hill? Thankfully, with multiple COVID-19 vaccines in the works, there’s hope the load will lighten in the new … [Read more...]
Lump-Sum Investing vs. Dollar-Cost Averaging – Round 2: Actual Outcomes
In a recent piece, we explored how to invest available cash: Should you invest it all right away as a lump sum? Or are you better off wading in more gradually with dollar-cost averaging? In round … [Read more...]
Lump-Sum Investing vs. Dollar-Cost Averaging – Round 1: Raw Returns
Good news: You have an extra $24,000, and you’ve decided to invest it in the stock market. It’s always nice to have investable cash on hand. But you also might feel as if the pressure is on. Nobody … [Read more...]
Loss of a Spouse: What to Do When You Lose Half of Your Whole
Whether it’s sudden and unexpected or after an already lengthy ordeal, there’s nothing that can prepare you for losing your spouse. Grief and mourning affect each of us uniquely, but all widows and … [Read more...]
What Is Fiduciary Advice, and Why Does It Matter (Now More Than Ever)?
How do you know when an investment recommendation is worth heeding? Red tape and legal jargon aside, it’s about finding an advisor who exemplifies a few simple ideals: “There’s no confusion in the … [Read more...]
The Insights of Parenting: Your Wealth in Uncertain Markets
In the face COVID-19, political drama at home and abroad, and social unrest, it’s certainly been a summer for trying our poise, hasn’t it? For individuals who have ever been a parent or a child — that … [Read more...]
Wealth Management During Coronavirus: 8 Best and Worst Strategies
The utility of living consists not in the length of days, but in the use of time.— Michel de Montaigne For better or worse, many of us have had more time than usual to engage in new or different … [Read more...]
How the CARES Act Impacts Retirement Accounts
The recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is a $2 trillion response to COVID-19. The bill is an emergency stimulus package designed to reduce the devastating … [Read more...]
A CARES Act Overview
With much of the country in self-isolation, perhaps you’ve got time to read the entire H.R. 748 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act. If you’d prefer, here is a summary of … [Read more...]